Calibre pdf to epub
Calibre pdf to epub

calibre pdf to epub

Finally, if output_file has no extension, then it is treated as a folder and an “open e-book” (OEB) consisting of HTML files is written to that folder. Note that the filenames must not start with a hyphen. In this case, the name of the output file is derived from the name of the input file. EXT where EXT is the output file extension.

calibre pdf to epub

output_file can also be of the special format. The output e-book format is guessed from the file extension of output_file. Both must be specified as the first two arguments to the command. Input_file is the input and output_file is the output. Your pdf is still DRM protected, go to Apprentice Alf’s Blog for help with drm removal.Ebook-convert input_file output_file Ĭonvert an e-book from one format to another. Syntax Error: Couldn't find the 'EBX_HANDLER' security handler Syntax Error: Couldn't find the 'EBX_HANDLER' security handler (Error Code: 1)įile "", line 78, in run_entry_pointįile "site-packages\calibre\utils\ipc\", line 199, in mainįile "site-packages\calibre\gui2\convert\", line 42, in gui_convert_overrideįile "site-packages\calibre\gui2\convert\", line 27, in gui_convertįile "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\conversion\", line 1106, in runįile "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 244, in _call_įile "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\conversion\plugins\pdf_inp", line 52, in convertįile "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\pdf\", line 93, in pdftohtmlĬ: pdftohtml failed with return code: 1 On C:\Users\JEFFAS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_e2wcf u\rgdahr.pdf 'remove_paragraph_spacing_indent_size': 1.5, 'read_metadata_from_opf': u'C:\\Users\\JEFFAS~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calib re_e2wcfu\\w4efli.opf', Read_metadata_from_opf: u'C:\\Users\\JEFFAS~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calib re_e2wcfu\\w4efli.opf' Calibre, version 3.36.0 (win32, embedded-python: True)Ĭonversion error: Failed: Convert book 1 of 1 (Political Brands)Ĭonversion options changed from defaults:

Calibre pdf to epub